The celebration of love, which Eron & Heidi designed in their hearts, is intended to continue to send ripple effects into your life for as long as you wish.

To support you in this, here are a few additional gifts put together for you. (click on any of the below to access them)

1) “Unstoppable” audiotrack of Dr. Naram

2) Mini-cookbook to support your vibrant health, unlimited energy, and peace of mind (first time every given to anyone)

3) Easy access to recipe for Moong soup, which has hyperlinks to all ingredients making them simple to order

4) Bonus videos that go along with each chapter in the book ‘Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer’ which Eron & Heidi gifted to you.

5) Link to the foundation/orphan home which is supported through this activity – in case you ever want to come to Nepal to visit, or you want to get involved with any other service opportunities

6) Links to some videos demonstrating how to make some of the recipes here.

Thank you for showing up with so much love, to support Eron & Heidi, as they join in this amazing celebration of life.